Report an Issue

Need help with a technical issue? Start here to request assistance with a problem

Services (9)

General Technology Help

Have a question about technology on campus? This is a good place to start.

Login Assistance

Need help with a login/password issue? Open a ticket to request assistance from IT.

Update MFA verification method

Locked out of your Buffalo State accounts? Open a ticket to have the IT Help Desk help you regain access.

Electronic Door Access Issue

Need help with a door access issue? Open a ticket to request assistance from IT.

Email Issue

Need help with an email issue? Open a ticket to request assistance from IT.

Hardware Issue

Need help with a computer or network printer issue? Open a ticket to request assistance from IT.

Presentation System Assistance

Need help with a presentation system issue in a classroom? Open a ticket to request assistance from IT.

Qualtrics Issue

Need help with a Qualtrics issue? Open a ticket to request assistance from IT.

Software Issue

Need help with a software issue? Open a ticket to request assistance from IT.