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    Services or Offerings?
    Support and training for the deployment of departmental electronic course evaluations (Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys).

    Have a question about technology on campus? This is a good place to start.

    Request assistance with D2L Brightspace

    Need help with a login/password issue? Open a ticket to request assistance from IT.

    Turnitin Feedback Studio is a similar text detection software that instructors may require students to use at Buffalo State. This software may be used as an educational tool to assist students in learning how to properly cite resources, to decrease instances of academic misconduct, and/or to assist in the identification of acts of academic misconduct.

    Request a Brightspace development shell.

    Request the merger of course sections into a single Brightspace course site.

    Register for an Instructional Design & Training (IDT) workshop on the use of campus technologies such as Brightspace, Microsoft Teams Meetings, YuJa Enterprise Video Platform, or Office 365.

    Request a session with Instructional Design and Distance Learning (IDDL) to meet your professional development needs.

    Buffalo State faculty and staff may request a Brightspace Community Organization for campus-related activities.