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    Services or Offerings?
    Room scheduling services

    Provide event or instruction-related A/V equipment for on campus use.

    Audio and Video design and space improvement services for the academic and administrative departments of Buffalo State. Includes computing hardware and software.

    Weekly reconciliation of Purchase Requisitions submitted for Academic Discretionary Funds: Academic & Scientific Equipment (A&SE) 860095-00
    and Academic Equipment Replacement (AERF) 860096-00. This report is emailed to authorized personnel on a weekly basis

    Refreshing online and hybrid courses through Course Design Reviews using the Buffalo State Open SUNY Course Quality Review (OSCQR) tool.

    Faculty can request the creation of a Microsoft Team and SharePoint site for their course.

    Request assistance from the Marketing and Communications Office with design, signature logos, writing, editing, and printing/production. Note: If you are seeking services from Kaylene Waite in the Design and Print Center, please go to to fill out the job request form for that office.

    Support and training for the deployment of departmental electronic course evaluations (Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys).

    Have a question about technology on campus? This is a good place to start.

    Faculty within the School of Education may request access for students pursuing careers in K-12 education and who are registered in courses teaching the use of Google Classroom.

    Support and training on test scoring using bubble sheets in Gradescope

    Request the installation/setup of existing hardware/equipment, request a new or used computer, or initiate the purchase of new hardware/equipment.

    Request a hardware token for use with multi-factor authentication (MFA).

    Generation of reports/data from the college official frozen files for enrollment, degrees granted, retention, graduation and human resources (HRMS) official data (payroll 17) systems based on requestor specifications.

    Formal evaluation of project requests via IT governance committee review process with appropriate teams, feasibility study and analysis. Communication with requester and status updates.