Search29 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request a new or replacement Buffalo State ID card.

Request caller ID on a standard (non-VoIP) phone line.

Need help with a login/password issue? Open a ticket to request assistance from IT.

IT will review technology assets already in place on campus and will log them into technology asset database.

IT will review a request for Techfee funding and will help to facilitate the acquisition process.

Request assistance with D2L Brightspace

Request Microsoft Teams Meeting assistance

Locked out of your Buffalo State accounts? Open a ticket to have the IT Help Desk help you regain access.

Request software to support a campus service, for a faculty/staff computer, classroom computer or a student computer lab.

Refreshing online and hybrid courses through course design review using the Buffalo State Open SUNY Course Quality Review (OSCQR) tool.

Request removal of access to spaces on campus that require the use of electronic access control.

Request access to spaces on campus that require the use of electronic access control.

Need help with a door access issue? Open a ticket to request assistance from IT.

Request remote access to a Windows desktop on campus.

Request Slate CRM access for current Buffalo State employees.