Classroom Technology Essentials

Checking your classroom

Here is a list of generally-scheduled classrooms across campus. It includes photos and instructions for each room. While it is recommended to visit a classroom before your first class, this can be a helpful resource if you are looking to change rooms or learn about the features of a room.

Access to your classroom

The doors to generally-scheduled classrooms are left unlocked during hours of instruction. However, some rooms have a punch code on the door. They include: Bacon 123, Bulger 428, Ketchum 100, Ketchum 109, and Upton 230. For more information, see this article.

Classroom A/V equipment training

If you are new to using a classroom, it is recommended that you receive training in advance of your first class. Due to the volume of training requests, please make arrangements in advance. Training can be requested by clicking "Open A Ticket" here.

Web Conferencing in Classrooms

There are a limited number of spaces on campus that have built-in web conferencing capabilities. More information is available here.

Microphones for Classrooms

Voice lift is present in lecture halls and very large classrooms. It is typically not installed in medium and smaller-sized classrooms. More information can be found here.

Keys for the classroom technology cabinet

Generally-scheduled classrooms no longer require a console key. More information is available here.

More Useful Information

More helpful classroom A/V articles are available in the Technology Enhanced Spaces category of this knowledgebase.

Need Help?

To place a request for assistance or to report an issue, use the Presentation Assistance Form linked on this page.

For immediate classroom assistance, please call 6670 (or 878-6670 on an off-campus phone).

Classroom Support's Hours

During the semester:
Monday-Thursday -- 7am to 9pm
Friday -- 7am to 5pm

During Summer/ Breaks:
Monday-Friday -- 7am to 4pm

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Related Articles (3)

Information on spaces across campus that are normally booked by the Registrar.
Door punch codes for generally-scheduled classrooms
How to get a console key for a generally-scheduled classroom

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