Importing Course Content Packages into Brightspace

Moving content from Blackboard Learn into D2L Brightspace

Before importing content into Brightspace, you will first need to export your Blackboard Learn course or have access to the course cartridge file (.zip)


Import Course Content into Brightspace

After you have successfully downloaded the zipped file from your Blackboard course, you can import your content into a Brightspace course. If needed, you can request a Brightspace development shell.

  1. Login to Brightspace with your Buffalo State username and password.
  2. In the My Courses widget, click on the course you would like to access.
    my courses widget in Brightspace
  3. Within the course, click on Course Tools and select Course Admin.
    course tools
  4. Click on Import/Export/Copy Components.
    import export copy components
  5. Navigate to the bottom of the page and select Import Components.
    import components
  6. Click Start.
  7. An Import Course Package pop-up window will appear. Click the Upload button, then locate and select your downloaded Blackboard export file. Alternatively, you can drag and drop your downloaded Blackboard export file to the gray dotted line area.
  8. Click Import All Components.
  9. As your course is importing, you will see the import progress through three stages: Uploaded, Converting, and Importing.
    Importing Stages
  10. Once the import process is complete you can click View Content to be directed to the course shell.
    View Content
  11. Any content imported will be added to your Brightspace course.