Accessibility: Audio and Video

In order to be considered accessible, audio and video files must have either a transcript or closed captioning that are accurate.  

Locating Resources

When locating video and audio resources, it is important to identify and use videos that have accurate captions and transcripts.

  • Library Databases such as Films on Demand, Discovery Education, Academic Online Video, or any other sources identified to enhance teaching should be closed captioned. If you locate videos and audio files from the Buffalo State Library Resources that do not have closed captions, please call (716) 878-6300. Note: Requests for closed captions will take time, so please plan ahead.
  • YouTube - Search for closed captioned YouTube content only
  1. Enter terms in search box
  2. Click on the the Filters option under the search box
  3. Click Subtitle/CC under the Feature category
  4. Preview video and captions for quality and accuracy
    • CC has to be clicked in order to display the captions.  “Automatic captions” may be incorrect (and even inappropriate), so please review them to make sure that they are accurate. If the “automatic captions” are not reliable contact the original provider of the video to ask if they have CC or will provide it.
    • Verify that the player controls show up so that students can pause and replay the video.
  • Other sources (CNN, local news, textbook publishers, content specialty websites) may include closed captions and transcripts on video and audio content. If you find content that does not have closed captions or transcripts, reach out to provider and ask for a copy of the video with closed captions or a copy of the audio with a transcript.


Creating Accessible Audio and Video Resources

  1. Establish a purpose
    • Does a the content need to be explained in a video/audio format?
    • How is video/audio being used to supplement or reinforce other content, readings, and/or activities?
    • Are there existing resources available for use?
    • Is the video/audio the main source of instruction or “just in time” content?
  2. Create a script when you are planning your audio and video content. A script will help:
    • Save time later
    • Stay focused on content
    • Provide cost effective closed captioning
    • Make it easy to edit and change as content changes
    • Resource for making a scripts: The Art Of Writing Great Voiceover Scripts
  3. Keep it short
    • A 5-6 minute videos help students stay engaged
    • Keep focus on a particular topic or skill
    • Fits into student lifestyle (have limited time to watch)
    • A 5-6 minute audio/video on a subtopic is easier to recreate when content changes
    • Save the video for content that needs to be explained in a video format.

Technology For Hosting Accessible Videos

  • YuJaYuJa is a video platform that allows users members to manage and publish their audio and video files into an LMS such as Brightspace and on other websites. Once you have uploaded a video, videos can be automatically captioned with just a few clicks. You should verify that the automatic captions are accurate. Alternatively, you can submit a Caption Request through the Information Technology (IT) Portal. Captioning takes a minimum of one week once the request has been made to our third party captioning service.  Turnaround time may vary depending on the length of the video.
  • YouTube Automatic Captioning: When video is uploaded to YouTube, captioning may be generated. If captioning is generated YouTube provides the user the option to edit this Automatic Captioning to the videos they upload for accuracy. Editing Automatic Captions in YouTube
  • A script can also be uploaded to YouTube to assist with accuracy of closed captioning Adding Captions to your YouTube Video


Resource for making a scripts: The Art Of Writing Great Voiceover Scripts

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