YuJa Enterprise Video Platform

YuJa has replaced Ensemble Video as Buffalo State's Media Server/Video storage, creation, and sharing platform.

You may login directly or access the service through Brightspace. To log in through Brightspace:

  1. Navigate to one of your courses.
  2. Click on "Course Tools" in the Navbar.
  3. Select YuJa from the drop-down menu.

To embed videos or quizzes into a Brightspace course, navigate to any content area of a course, and use the "Existing Activities" button to find the YuJa Media Chooser. You may also use the "Insert Stuff" button in any content editor area (Announcements, Assignments, etc.) to add videos from YuJa. NOTE: quizzes must be added through the "Existing Activities" button to sync with the Brightspace Gradebook.

If you would like to learn more, please feel free to look at YuJa’s Lecture Capture and Video Management support page or view their short informational videos on their YouTube channel or refer to Buffalo State's YuJa training page.

For training, please check the Workshop Registration System for available group sessions or book an individual appointment and select “YuJa Video Question” or "YuJa Video Training" from the available options.

Students, faculty, and staff can also call YuJa Support Toll-Free (US/CAN) at +1 (888) 257-2278 or email support@yuja.com.

If you experience any issues or have any concerns, please continue to use the Media Server (Ensemble Video/YuJa) ticket.

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