Top Services: Separated Employees

When an employee separates from the college, there are several technology related services that departments need to request from Information Technology. The top services related to separated employees are listed below.  

Removal of computer access

The hiring manager or secretary can request the removal of network and email access for the separated employee using this service:

► Go to Network Access Removal for Separated Personnel ► Click Open a Ticket

Surrendering computers 

When an employee separates from the college, all computers and hardware used by the employee should be returned to Information Technology. This can be requested using this service:

► Go to Computer Surrender ► Click Open a Ticket

Retaining Email for Retirees

State employees retiring from Buffalo State can request a continuation of email access after retirement using this service:

► Go to Retain Email for Retiree ► Click Open a Ticket

Phones and voicemail

For assistance with phones and voicemail:

► Contact Telecomm Call 878-3333

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Article ID: 57770
Thu 7/19/18 11:50 AM
Tue 1/8/19 2:24 PM

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