Creating Video Quizzes in YuJa Video

Creating a Video Quiz in YuJa

  1. You may login directly to YuJa or access the service through Brightspace. 

    1. To log in through Brightspace:

      1. Navigate to one of your courses.

      2. Click on "Course Tools" in the Navbar.

      3. Select YuJa from the drop-down menu.

  2. Find the video on which the quiz will be based

    1. If the video was migrated from Ensemble, you should find it in a separate folder with your username as the title. Double click on the folder to open it and search for your video

    2. Hover over the thumbnail for the video you want with your mouse and select More...

  3. Scroll down the Media Details pop-up and click on Quizzes from the menu on the left

  4. Click on the +Create Video Quiz button. Please note: more than one quiz may be created for the same video (for different classes, sections, semesters, etc.)