At-home access to Mathematica for students

Students can download and install a personal copy of Mathematica, or reactivate a previously downloaded copy, by following steps below:

Download and install a personal copy of Mathematica (first time users only)

If this is your first time downloading Mathematica, follow the steps below to download Mathematica:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click Create Account.
  3. Complete the Create a Wolfram ID page to create an account. Be sure to use your student e-mail address (e.g.
  4. A verification link will be sent the your student e-mail address. Follow this link to complete registration.
  5. Sign-out of the Wolfram portal, and then sign back in. You should be prompted to request an activation key. Confirm your contact information and platform, and click Submit.
  6. Check your e-mail for link to download installer.
  7. Run installer and enter Activation Key when prompted.
Please Note: If you are not prompted to request an activation key (step 5 above), you can request one from the following link

Request a new Activation Key for an expired copy of Mathematica (returning users only)

If you have previously downloaded Mathematica and already have a WolframID, follow these steps to request a new Activation Key:

  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your Wolfram ID (your email address) and Password, and click Sign In.
  3. Confirm your contact information and platform, and click Submit.
  4. You should receive a message that Your Activation Key Has Been Created. A copy of your activation key will also be sent to your e-mail address.
Please Note: If you forgot the password associated with your Wolfram ID, click the Forgot Your Password? link, enter your e-mail address in both 
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