Students can download and install a personal copy of Mathematica, or reactivate a previously downloaded copy, by following steps below:
Download and install a personal copy of Mathematica (first time users only)
If this is your first time downloading Mathematica, follow the steps below to download Mathematica:
- Go to:
- Click Create Account.
- Complete the Create a Wolfram ID page to create an account. Be sure to use your student e-mail address (e.g.
- A verification link will be sent the your student e-mail address. Follow this link to complete registration.
- Sign-out of the Wolfram portal, and then sign back in. You should be prompted to request an activation key. Confirm your contact information and platform, and click Submit.
- Check your e-mail for link to download installer.
- Run installer and enter Activation Key when prompted.
Request a new Activation Key for an expired copy of Mathematica (returning users only)
If you have previously downloaded Mathematica and already have a WolframID, follow these steps to request a new Activation Key:
- Go to:
- Enter your Wolfram ID (your email address) and Password, and click Sign In.
- Confirm your contact information and platform, and click Submit.
- You should receive a message that Your Activation Key Has Been Created. A copy of your activation key will also be sent to your e-mail address.
Please Note: If you forgot the password associated with your Wolfram ID, click the Forgot Your Password? link, enter your e-mail address in both