How can I access the Classroom Equipment Loan store room?

The following rooms are Classroom Equipment Loan store rooms where instructors are able to take out Smart Carts or other technology they have reserved through this office:

  • Bacon 219
  • Ketchum 112
  • Rockwell 206
  • Upton 228A

These rooms are accessible via the use of a door punch code. The code for each room is changed every semester.

If you already have a reservation for equipment from one of these rooms:

Please contact Classroom Equipment Loan (878-4535 / for the door code. If you have reserved equipment electronically, you should have received a confirmation with the code.

If you do not have a reservation for equipment from one of these rooms:

Please contact Classroom Equipment Loan (info above) to arrange for a one-time or recurring loan of the equipment you'd like to borrow. We will NOT provide a store room code to anyone who does not have a reservation. To ensure availability and avoid confusion, please do not remove anything from these rooms without a reservation!

If the door is stuck or you are having difficulty with the lock:

Please call the loan office (x4535) or Classroom Support (878-6670) and we will assist you. You do not have to call Campus Services, as we will troubleshoot the issue and contact them ourselves if necessary.

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