The following rooms are Classroom Equipment Loan store rooms where instructors are able to take out Smart Carts or other technology they have reserved through this office:
- Bacon 219
- Ketchum 112
- Rockwell 206
- Upton 228A
These rooms are accessible via the use of a door punch code. The code for each room is changed every semester.
If you already have a reservation for equipment from one of these rooms:
Please contact Classroom Equipment Loan (878-4535 / for the door code. If you have reserved equipment electronically, you should have received a confirmation with the code.
If you do not have a reservation for equipment from one of these rooms:
Please contact Classroom Equipment Loan (info above) to arrange for a one-time or recurring loan of the equipment you'd like to borrow. We will NOT provide a store room code to anyone who does not have a reservation. To ensure availability and avoid confusion, please do not remove anything from these rooms without a reservation!
If the door is stuck or you are having difficulty with the lock:
Please call the loan office (x4535) or Classroom Support (878-6670) and we will assist you. You do not have to call Campus Services, as we will troubleshoot the issue and contact them ourselves if necessary.