Taking your laptop off campus

Here are some things to think about before taking your laptop device off campus.

Be Mindful of the Information on Your Device

Before you take your device off campus, please review the Buffalo State Data Risk Classification Policy, and its companion document, Buffalo State Guidelines for Storing and Transmitting College Data.

Files containing restricted, or private information should be moved to a secure network share and deleted from your device. Private information includes all legally protected information: (i.e., FERPA, HIPAA, and Graham-Leach-Bliley).

For clear examples of electronic files by category, please see the Buffalo State Guidelines for Storing and Transmitting College Data.

Files not containing restricted or private information that you don’t want lost, but to which you want access while you’re away, may be placed in your Buffalo State OneDrive. Examples include: your writing, research, saved articles, teaching materials, curriculum documents, committee work, proposals. You can access OneDrive by navigating to the Microsoft Office website and clicking on Sign in. Use your Buffalo State email address and you’ll be redirected to the Buffalo State sign in page where you can enter your password, and access all of your Buffalo State Microsoft Services from one page.

Be Mindful of How you Connect Your Device

If your device connects to campus resources from off campus, you must keep your device secured when you are not working on it. Keep the power off when not in use and store your Buffalo State device in a secure, cool location. Never allow others such as your children, spouse, or friends, to use your device. All Buffalo State provided devices are password protected. Do not share your password, and do not log in to your device for another person to use it. When connecting to Buffalo State web-based services from off campus, do not use a public Wi-Fi connection. Use only secured wireless to connect to Buffalo State resources.

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