Using the YuJa Video Mobile App

Users can download the YuJa native mobile and tablet applications ("YuJa Video") from the Apple and Android App Stores to upload, playback, or download media for offline review. An in-app support page provides students with the support they need for YuJa’s suite of ed-tech solutions, whether it’s to access product documentation, submit an email support ticket, or take advantage of the 24-7 total user support with a call – all in one place.

Downloading and Signing into the App

Faculty, staff and students can search in the Apple or Google app stores for "YuJa Video" and download the mobile app for free.

To sign in:

  1. Open the app and begin to type in "Buffalo State" under Enter your organization. You should eventually see "Buffalo State State University." Click Next
  2. YuJa Mobile sign-in screenshotOn the next screen, be sure to select "Buffalo State University Single-Sign-On" from the drop-down menu.YuJa Mobile Sign-in option screenshot
  3. Enter your Buffalo State username, password, and multi-factor authentication code as necessary.

For more information, see YuJa's Downloading and Using the YuJa Video App page

Uploading Content from your Device to YuJa

Please refer to the instructions on the Yuja Video: How to Upload Existing Content from Your Device page.

Recording New Content with the YuJa Mobile App

Please refer to the instructions on the YuJa Video: How to Record and Upload Content page.

Help with the YuJa Mobile App

  1. When logged into the app, clink on the Profile button in the lower right corner
  2. Select "YuJa Help" and select one of the options
    • Toll-Free Phone - a link to YuJa's live support phone numbers
    • Send Email - a link to YuJa Support's email address. Technicians aim to respond within 24 hours
    • Product Docs - a link to YuJa's documentation on their various offeringsYuJa Mobile Help screenshot
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Article ID: 157529
Thu 2/29/24 5:09 PM
Tue 3/5/24 10:57 AM