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    The Bengal Success Portal is a tool that provides you with a central location to connect you with the people and services that can help you succeed at Buffalo State. This guide helps students get started with the Bengal Success Portal.
    Within the Notifications tab, you are able to specify Appointment Notifications, specify settings to receive Summary Emails, and set Tracking Item rules.
    When a student concern has been resolved, advisers and instructors should clear the Bengal Success Portal flag that was raised for the student.
    Appointments can be cancelled by the student, instructor, and/or adviser. To cancel a Bengal Success Portal appointment from Outlook, simply locate the appointment on your Outlook Calendar and cancel or decline the appointment. Appointments can also be cancelled within the Bengal Success Portal
    The first time you login to the Bengal Success Portal, a ‘wizard’ to walk you through setting up your office hours, which enables students to schedule time with you.
    When you have a concern with a particular student, raise a flag to communicate your observations. This article describes how to raise a flag in the Bengal Success Portal.
    Instructors are able to record attendance for each class meeting in the Bengal Success Portal.
    The Bengal Success Portal is able to read busy times from your Buffalo State Exchange Calendar. In order to this to take effect, you will need to enable this setting in the Bengal Success Portal and must share your Exchange calendar.
    When you want to acknowledge student effort or offer praise, you can give students a Kudos.