Online Survey and Data Collection (Qualtrics Login information)

Looking for an online survey and data collection tool? Give Qualtrics a try! Qualtrics is licensed for Buffalo State faculty, staff and students.

All enrolled students may log in to Qualtrics to create surveys. To publish surveys, students must work with a sponsoring faculty member or supervisor. Faculty supervisors must approve the survey content, data collection, and data dissemination methods.  See the policy on Student Access to Institutionally Provided Online Data Collection Software for more information.

Important: All users of online data collection software are strongly encouraged to contact the Buffalo State Sponsored Programs office to ensure compliance with Buffalo State's Research Compliance policy, and federal regulations regarding human subjects.

Login to Qualtrics

First Time Users

  1. Enter your Buffalo State username and password, click Log In.
  2. Click I don't have a Qualtrics account.
  3. When the Terms of Service window appears, click Accept.

Access for Classes

Instructors can request the creation of a group in Qualtrics for a class, which includes publishing permission for their registered students. Students must have active accounts in Qualtrics before requesting this service (which they can create by following the "First Time Users" above). 

Online Training and Support

All help for Qualtrics Software is provided by Qualtrics via online chat, telephone, video tutorial and subject guides.

Qualtrics will hold an online Webinar for your students with two (2) weeks advance notice, and at least 10 participants.


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