Buff State Alert is the official campus emergency notification system, and is used only to communicate a serious safety issue, utility failure, or weather-related campus wide closure or cancellation.
All students are auto-enrolled in Buff State Alert. Students may not remove their assigned Buffalo State email address.
All faculty and staff, must self-enroll.
1. To receive emergency notifications from Buffalo State, go to https://buffstatealert.buffalostate.edu/e2campus/ or sign-in to Banner and click the BUFF STATE ALERT link on the Personal Information tab.

2. Sign-in to BUFF STATE ALERT using your Buffalo State network username and password (the same credentials you use to sign-in to Brightspace).

3. On the next screen you will be able to add/edit your SMS Numbers, Email Addresses and Voice Numbers. To receive text alerts, enter your phone number and select your carrier in the SMS section, and click the Add new button; to receive email alerts, enter your email address in the Email section, and click the Add new button; to receive a phone call, enter your phone number in the Voice section, and click the Add new button.

4. When adding new information, the system will ask for validation of the email account and/or phone number being added. You will receive a text message at the number entered for SMS containing the validation code for your SMS (text) phone number. The text message will be sent immediately. Enter that code on the services screen in the Validation code box and click Validate.
5. If you are adding an email address, you will receive a message like the one below. Sign-in to your email account to complete the validation process.

6. Campus Alerts is the group that will receive emergency notifications through the Buff State Alert system. After following the steps above to update your contact information, click the Groups tab at the top and click the Subscribe button next to Campus Alerts.

7. To unsubscribe from Buff State Alert, go back to the Groups tab and click the Unsubscribe button next to Campus Alerts. You can re-subscribe at any time by logging back in and clicking Subscribe button again.