I'm faculty/staff. How do I login to Degree Works?

Follow the steps below to sign into Degree Works. Be sure to use your 15+ character "Network" password. This is the same password used for things like your campus Outlook email.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Visit the Faculty and Staff Degree Works page
2. Click Login
3. Select Buffalo State from the Campus drop-down menu and click Login

Select campus

4. In the User name box, enter your Buffalo State username
5. In the Password box, enter your network password and click Sign In

Enter username and password

Please Note If you have trouble signing in, please contact the IT Help Desk at ithelpdesk@buffalostate.edu or 716-878-4357.
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Sun 3/5/17 9:14 PM
Wed 4/12/23 10:53 AM

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