Why are we making this change?
Due to changes in NYS OGS Procurement Contracts and Dell Product Offering, Information Technology will be upgrading computers with DVD Drives from some Generally Scheduled classrooms starting in June 2025. You can a list of current list of Generally Scheduled Classrooms and their AV presentation capabilities here.
What options are available for those faculty and staff who need to show DVD media in Generally Scheduled Classrooms?
Option 1: Reserve a classroom with a working DVD player installed in it by selecting DVD Playback Attribute (Banner Code 273).
Option 2: Open a Presentation System Assistance Ticket and request a portable USB DVD Drive be issued to you. Information Technology will provide you a portable USB DVD drive that you can use on any Dell PC on campus. This drive will be considered a long term loan to the requestor.
Option 3: Contact the Butler Library to see if the titles you are showing are available in a streaming media format. {Please note, the library has limited funds to support licensing streaming video.}