If you sign-in to a computer on campus that you haven't signed into previously and don't see any files in OneDrive, you will need to sign-in to the OneDrive app and complete the multi-factor (MFA) verification process. Follow these steps:
- Look for the OneDrive icon (the blue cloud) at the bottom of your screen near the date/time. If you don't see the OneDrive icon, click the up arrow near the date/time to display more icons.
- If the OneDrive icon shows a line through it, this indicates that you are not currently signed in. Your files won't appear until you sign-in to OneDrive and complete the multi-factor verification.
![Line through the OneDrive icon](https://buffalostate.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=2bc99daf-3a4b-404d-adea-5bfd170f60ba.png)
- Click on the OneDrive icon and then click Sign in.
![Click OneDrive and then Sign in](https://buffalostate.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=2619bb83-7a1d-44df-a830-6e051cdfbcbd.png)
- When the Microsoft Microsoft Sign in screen appears, enter your Buffalo State username followed by @buffalostate.edu and click Next.
![Don't include "mail" when you sign-in](https://buffalostate.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=0d036773-4559-44c6-bd86-8e00fd38da8b.gif)
- You'll be redirected to the Buffalo State sign-in page. Enter your Buffalo State username and your network password, and then click Sign in.
![Enter Buffalo State username and network password](https://buffalostate.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=6e8e7f2e-111f-4519-8422-3c1223f62cd5.jpg)
- Complete the two-step verification when prompted.
![Complete the MFA verification](https://buffalostate.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=c6f2f4aa-3743-486d-956a-227316ea86bc.jpg)
Once these steps are completed, you will start to see your files appear in OneDrive.