Buffalo State Print Management Services


Learn about Buffalo State's print management services



In 2020, SUNY launched a system wide cost-savings initiative to reduce print volume and eliminate inefficient and costly desktop printers. In support of this goal, in Fall of 2024 Buffalo State launched the Managed Print Cost Savings Initiative.

All students, faculty, and staff are expected to practice responsible printing, taking into consideration the SUNY System-wide Print Resource Use Policy and Buffalo State’s Print Resource Use Policy and sustainability goals. Responsible printing includes minimizing unnecessary printing, using double-sided printing whenever possible, and avoiding excessive paper waste. Before printing, please remember to follow best practices, when possible:

  • Use available collaboration tools and digital documents.
  • If you must print:
    • Print B&W (grayscale).
    • Print double-sided (duplex).

What Can Faculty Do?

Assignments and handouts can be distributed electronically. We ask faculty to make assignments eligible for electronic submission through Brightspace in support of the Campus-Supported Learning Management System Policy.

Electronic distribution and submission of students’ work will also promote easy access and reduce the chances that documents will be lost or misplaced. These will then be available to anyone at any time via any digital device. Instructors can also use Brightspace to provide text or audio feedback on electronic submission of assignments.

Every course has a Brightspace course shell that is populated with student enrollments from Banner. If you require assistance with Brightspace, we recommend visiting the Instructional Design and Distance Learning - D2L Brightspace page for resources and training options.

Academic Printing 

The SUNY Print Initiative covers all documents printed in standard sizes (letter, legal, and tabloid.) The SUNY Print Initiative does not cover specialty printing – which is explicitly defined as “label printers, bar code printers, wide-format (plotters), or 3d printing.” The SUNY Initiative also does not address creative printing - where the printed artifact is an essential curricular requirement. During the print management oversight process (described below) student curriculum will be given consideration. 

Be aware of copyright and trademark laws - you should not be copying textbooks or even chapters of textbooks. 

Need Print-Avoidance Ideas? 

If you have a task that requires a significant amount of printing, please refer to the Strategies to Reduce Printing article. If additional assistance is required, please reach out to the IT Help Desk at ithelpdesk@buffalostate.edu. We will collaborate with you to try to produce a more viable alternative that will meet your needs while adhering to the SUNY and University print policies. 
If you are looking for signs or posters, it is recommended that you consider using the campus’ digital signage option, Visix. To inquire about digital signage, please submit a Visix Digital Signage ticket through the ITS client portal (log-in required).


Printed documents and content create accessibility barriers. To minimize and/or eliminate this, faculty are required to provide content in accessible electronic format. If faculty choose to distribute hard copy or printed content, they should always be made available in the required accessible electronic format to maintain barrier free access for all. 


Our Strategic Plan calls for Sustainability for a Better Future with an emphasis on fiscal and environmental responsibility. We encourage everyone at Buffalo State to help us recognize these goals through conscientious printing practices. 

Best Practice – Use Digital Documents 

Handouts for meetings can be shared online through MS Teams or email, and through collaboration tools like SharePoint or OneDrive. Please be mindful of the confidentiality and security requirements of information being shared. Refer to the campus Data Access Policy and the Data Risk Classification Policy for guidance. 

Print If You Must

We encourage everyone to continue using electronic documents wherever possible, and to only print things that must be on paper. For example, legal contracts that must be signed with a wet ink signature. 

Print Management Oversight 

In fall 2019, per SUNY requirement, Buffalo State University installed the Pharos Beacon print monitoring client. This cloud-based Beacon system collects meta-data on print activity (user, page count, print type) visible to SUNY and the campus, and will be used to monitor our progress.
Print activity is monitored and tracked by user. IT will review print history reports regularly to evaluate usage details. Any user that abuses the privilege to print will be contacted by IT to discuss their usage and needs. Everyone is encouraged to adopt sustainable printing practices that are in line with Buffalo State’s strategic plan (print double-sided in black and white/grayscale; consider alternatives to printing when possible). Please refer to the Strategies to Reduce Printing article for additional suggestions and resources.

Elimination of Desktop Printers 

Desktop printers are convenient, but they are the most expensive way to print, costing about $0.50 or more per single-sided page. In contrast, SUNY’s goal for multi-function printers in the new contract is $0.01 per B/W double-sided page. Due to that dramatic difference, the SUNY Initiative calls for the elimination of desktop printers. Accessibility exceptions are available for those who qualify and submit the appropriate forms: Reasonable Accommodation Request and Health Care Provider Form for Reasonable Accommodation Request.

If you have a desktop printer that you would like to surrender, please submit an Equipment Surrender ticket through the ITS client portal (log-in required).

Thank You for Your Support 

We appreciate your cooperation with this SUNY initiative that will support Buffalo State’s strategic goals of financial and environmental sustainability. 

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