Preparing to take your Online/Hybrid Course at Buffalo State


Student Guide to Online: The following items are designed to contribute to a successful semester within your online/hybrid course.


Welcome to Buffalo State University! You have enrolled in a class that is online or hybrid. Please complete the following items designed to contribute to a successful semester. Best Wishes on your online educational journey! 

Instructional Modality

  • Review the definitions of the instructional modalities to understand the type of course for which you are registered. Some courses based on instructional modality may require the following:
    • a microphone and camera.
    • set day/time to meet online via MS Teams
    • set day/time on campus to meet

Campus Technology

Brightspace (Learning Management System (LMS) & SUNY Digitial Learning Environment)

Once you have successfully activated your Buffalo State Network account and multi-factor authentication, you will be able to access your online course in Brightspace. The recommended browser to use for Brightspace is Google Chrome.

Support Resources

Online Readiness

Before you start your online course, check out these resources to set you up for success.