Surrendering Computers for Separated Employees


Guidelines governing surrendering computers and equipment for separated employees (academic and professional)


Computers, and other technology equipment such as printers and scanners, are the property of Buffalo State. When an employee separates from the college, all equipment assigned to that individual must be returned to Information Technology prior to the employee’s last day on campus. 

  • For privacy/security reasons, Information Technology must recover computers for any employee who has separated from the college.
  • Academic departments and offices are responsible for notifying Information Technology when an employee separates from the college. 
  • If the department fills the vacant position in the future, the new employee will receive a new computer.
Please Note: Computers and equipment are not be reassigned from one employee to another by academic or office staff. After recovering the computers and equipment, Information Technology will determine if the devices can be re-purposed. If not, the devices will be sent to surplus.  


Returning Equipment to Information Technology

The supervisor of the separated employee should follow these steps to surrender the former employee's computers and equipment:

  1. Open a Computer Surrender ticket.
  2. Enter the first and last name of the individual who was assigned to the device.
  3. Enter the device names and/or serial numbers of the computers/equipment being returned. 
  4. On the Do you want the equipment picked up? drop-down, indicate whether you will be dropping the computers off at the IT Help Desk or would like to have them picked up.


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