For more information, head to the Brightspace "Student Training Module" course in your
My Courses area, and choose the "Navigating Brightspace" section. You can also call the SUNY Online Help Desk for Brightspace at
If Brightspace is acting in unexpected ways, be sure you're using a
supported browser, and that it is
updated to the most recent version.
This article will help students navigate Brightspace and find their course content using a laptop or desktop computer.
This article uses screen shots from the Student Training Module.
- Start by logging into Brightspace. Click here if you need help setting up your network account.
- The My Courses section should be visible on Buffalo State's Brightspace landing page, and can also be opened from the "grid" icon in the topmost menu.
- Click on a course, or search for it by name or reference number.
- Professors have control over how they set up their courses. The most common style organizes coursework into weeks or modules.
- The best way to navigate through modules/weeks is by finding the "Content" tab, in the orange bar near the top of the screen.

- Along the left edge of the screen should be a chronological list through the weeks and modules.

Tip: The syllabus is typically found at the top of this list.
- If assignments are missing or hard to find, click "Course Activities" and then "Assignments."