Setting up a Gradescope Bubble Sheet Assignment in Brightspace


Step 1​​​​​​: Create Assignment in Brightspace

  1. Go to Brightpsace and log in
  2. Navigate to the Course that needs a Gradescope Bubble Sheet Assignment
  3. Click on the Learning Module for which the assignment needs to be added
  4. Click "Existing Activity"
  5. Choose "Gradescope Assignment-BUC"
  6.  Choose " A new Gradescope Course" if this is the first time you are linking this course to Gradescope
  7. Click Link Course
  8. Choose " A new Gradescope Assignment" if this is the first time you are creating a Gradescope Assignment within this course
  9. Click Link Assignment
  10. Choose "Bubble Sheet Assignment"
  11. Click Next
  12. Enter the Name of the Assignment
  13. Add the appropriate information for SUBMISSION ANONYMIZATION and WHO WILL UPLOAD SUBMISSIONS.
  14. Click Create Assignment

NOTE: If bubble sheets will be uploaded by the faculty member, it is recommended that these Gradescope Assignments in Brightspace be hidden from the student. Faculty can create a content folder in Brightspace and set "Hide to Users"

Step 2: Create your Answer Key

  1. Navigate back to the assignment you just created and click on the assignment name, so that you can create the Answer Key
    • At the top of this page, you can download & print the Bubble Sheet Template. It is best to tell students to fill in the bubble sheet with ink or dark pencil
  2. Enter in the number of points students will receive for each right answer, for all questions are the same points. Individual questions can hold different point values but that needs to be changed using the gear next to each question on the answer sheet.
  3. For Scoring, select whether the students will get Exact, Partial or Either/Or.
  4. Create your Answer Key, by clicking the letter bubble for each right answer next to the appropriate question number
  5. Once you have marked all correct answers, Click "Save Answer Key"

Bubble Sheet Assignments Video Instruction 

Step 3: Managing Scans

Download & print the Bubble Sheet Template prior to the test. Students should legibly write their name and e-mail address on their answer sheet. E-mail can be helpful to you if you have students with the same names as you will need to match up the answer sheet with your Brightspace roster after you upload the students' bubble sheets.

Once students have completed the test and handed all bubble sheets back to you, your next step is to scan the bubble sheets into one PDF file. You can scan these documents with your department printer/scanner or you can use the scanner located near the "Ask Us" desk in E.H.Butler Library. The IT Help Desk staff can assist you or you can schedule an appointment with them 

  1. In Brightpsace, navigate back to your Gradescope assignment and click to open it
  2. Click on "Manage Scans" in the left-side menu
  3. Click " Select PDF Files" and browse out to the PDF file with all the students' save bubble sheets. You can also use Drag and Drop the file on the Manage Scans Page.
    • Gradescope will separate out each student's submission from the 1 file
  4. Click "Show" under the file to verify the file is accurate with the number of submissions.
  5. Click "Manage Submissions"

Step 4: Manage Submissions

  1. On Manage Submission, if this is your first bubble sheet assignment, you may receive a notification to import your source roster.
  2. Click Course Roster
  3. Click "Sync Brightspace Roster"  NOTE: This will only have to be done for this first assignment unless new students added since the first assignment)
  4. On the Sync With Brightspace Roster Pop up
    • Uncheck "Email Notification"
    • Click "Sync Roster"
    • Review that the course roster is accurate.
  5. Click on "Assignments" on the left-side menu
  6. Click on the assignment name that the students just complete
  7. For each test scan, click "Enter Student Name" and select the appropriate student for each scan
    • NOTE: This will only have to be done for this first assignment unless new students added since the first assignment)
  8. Click "Grade Submissions"
  9. Grading Dashboard will appear
  10. Click "Review Grades"
  11. Click "Post Grades to Brightspace"
    • NOTE if you do not want the student to see their bubble sheet DO NOT "Publish Grades" 

Step 5: Review Statistics and Item Analysis


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Support and training on test scoring using bubble sheets in Gradescope