Refer Students to Support Services


Faculty and advisers are able to refer students to support services by sending a Referral.


Instructors and advisers are able to refer students to campus support services, such as Financial Aid.

  1. Login to the Bengal Success Portal.
  2. Use the menu to click on the Students tab.
    students tab
  3. Under the “My Students” tab, search for the student, or group of students for whom you are creating the referral(s) for.
  4. Place a check in the box to the left of the student’s name or select all and then click on “Referral”.
    referral button
  5. Choose the appropriate referral in the drop down menu.
    list of referrals in bengal success
  6. Specify the course context (if the referral you choose has that option).
  7. Provide comments so the student and support service know the reason for your referral.
  8. Click Submit.



Article ID: 69155
Tue 12/18/18 10:31 AM
Thu 1/17/19 6:59 AM