Record Attendance


Instructors are able to record attendance for each class meeting in the Bengal Success Portal.


Record Attendance

Instructors are able to record attendance for each class meeting in the Bengal Success Portal.

  1. Login to the Bengal Success Portal.
  2. Click on the menu.
    starfish menu
  3. Click on Students.
  4. Click on the Attendance tab.
    attendance tab
  5. Click Record Attendance.
    record attendance icon
  6. Select the section of your course.
  7. Select the meeting time for which you would like to record attendance.
  8. By default, all students are already marked as “Present”. You can leave students as “Present”, or mark students as Absent, Excused, or Tardy.
  9. When finished recording attendance, click Save.

Edit an Attendance Record

Instructors can edit the attendance record to change a student's attendance status.

  1. Login to the Bengal Success Portal.
  2. Click on the menu.
    starfish menu
  3. Click on Students.
  4. Click on the Attendance tab.
    attendance tab
  5. Click Record Attendance.
    record attendance icon
  6. Select the section of your course.
  7. Select the meeting time for which you would like to change the attendance record.
    recorded attendance
  8. Click Next.
  9. You will see a message stating when attendance was recorded. Next to this message, click Edit.
    edit record
  10. Use the radio buttons to mark students as Present, Absent, Excused, or Tardy.
  11. When finished, click Save.
  12. Your attendance record has been updated with the changes made.