After initially setting your office hours, you can setup additional office hours or make changes.
Edit or Cancel Office Hours
- Login to the Bengal Success Portal.
- Click the menu.

- Click on Appointments.
- Click on the Agenda tab.

- Locate the office hours block you want to edit under Availability.

- Hover over the Clock Icon next to the office hours block you want to edit.
- Click Edit if you want to make changes to this office hours block.
- Note: If you have a new office location, please add the new location to your appointment preferences before creating a new office hours block.
- Click Cancel if you want to cancel this office hours block.
Set Additional Office Hours
- Login to the Bengal Success Portal.
- Click the menu.

- Click Appointments.
- Click on Office Hours.
- Choose your: “Title” of the Office Hours, “What day(s)”, “Repeats every:”, “What time?”, “Where?”, the “Office Hour Type”, and specify “How long” for the minimum and maximum appointment length.
- Note: If you have a new office location, please add the new location to your appointment preferences before creating a new office hours block.
- Any Instructions provided will be automatically sent to the student when they schedule an appointment with you.
- Indicate your Start and End Date.
- Click on Submit at bottom right to save.
Be sure to update your office hours from semester to semester.