The first time you login to the Bengal Success Portal, a ‘wizard’ to walk you through setting up your office hours, which enables students to schedule time with you.
There are two methods for scheduling office hours and advising hours in the Bengal Success Portal.
Method 1: Office Hours Setup Wizard
The first time you login to the Bengal Success Portal, a ‘wizard’ can walk you through setting up your office hours, which enables students to schedule time with you.
If your office hours are different week to week, follow the “If your office hours don’t repeat weekly, click here” link.
If your office hours recur, complete the fields presented to specify:
- What day(s) do you have office hours? Check the boxes for each day.
- What time are your office hours? Enter a start and end time.
- Where are they? Select the Type of setting and enter the Details in the field provided (e.g. the building and room number of your office).
- If relevant, provide Instructions for students who make appointments with you. For example: “Thank you for scheduling an appointment with me. Please arrive at my office promptly. Bring any questions you may have to discuss. I look forward to meeting with you.”
- Click the Set up Office Hours button to save your office hours.
Method 2: Setting Up Custom Office Hours
This method of scheduling office hours and advising hours allows you to further customize your office hours, and add new office hour blocks.
- Login to the Bengal Success Portal.
- Click on the menu.

- Click on Appointments.

- Click Office Hours.
- Title your office hours block. For example, you could call this block of time "Office Hours" or "Advising Hours".
- Next to What day(s), use the dropdown menus to make your selections.
- Next to Repeat on, choose what days your office hours are on.
- Next to What time, choose the start time and end time of your office hours
- Next to Where, enter your location for this office hours block.
- Note: If you have a new office location, please add the new location to your appointment preferences before creating a new office hours block.
- Use the Office Hours Type dropdown to select from "Scheduled and Walk-ins", "Scheduled Appointments Only", or "Walk-ins Only".
- Next to How long, select your minimum and maximum appointment length.
- In the Instructions tab, write any instructions that you would like to be sent to students who make an appointment with you.
- In the Start/End Date tab, specify the start date for this office hours block. Use the dropdown menu to specify the end date for this office hours block. For example, you could specify that this block end at the end of the semester.
- When finished, click Submit.