Sending Email in Brightspace


How to email in Brightspace


  1. Log in to Brightspace mylearning,

  1. Enter the course of the corresponding teacher or classmate you would like to email 

  1. Click Message Alerts (envelope icon) at the top Minibar

  1. Click Email in the top right corner of the drop-down menu 

  1. Click compose

  1. Next Add recipients (two options)

    • Begin typing the person's name until a drop-down with their information appears. Select their name from the drop-down 

    • Or select Address Book option in the top right corner. Check the box next to the names of those who you would like to email. Scroll up to the first row. Select one of the options above the row (To, Cc, or Bcc). Then Click add recipients. 

  2. Enter the contents of your email (paragraphs, files, etc.) 

  1. Hit send at the bottom left corner 



Article ID: 148953
Thu 2/2/23 5:17 PM
Thu 2/2/23 5:17 PM