Copying a Course in Brightspace


This procedure allows you to copy content in Brightspace from one course to another.


Instructors can copy course materials from one Brightspace course to another. You can choose to Copy an Entire Course or Copy Specific Course Components.

Copy an Entire Course

  1. Login to Brightspace with your Buffalo State username and password.
  2. In the My Courses widget, access the course that you want to populate (you will be importing the content into this shell).
  3. Click the Gear icon in the upper right corner, next to your name.
    gear icon
  4. Select Import/Export/Copy Components.
    import copy components
  5. Click the “Search for offering” button.
    search for offering
  6. Click the Search button to bring up a listing of all courses that you have access to in Brightspace.
  7. Select the course you would like to import and then click Add Selected.
    add selected
  8. Verify that the correct course is about to be imported into the blank shell and click Copy All Components.
  9. You will see indication that the copy is in progress.
  10. When the indicator changes to “Copy Completed” you can click the View Content button to verify that the content copied properly.

Copy Specific Course Components

  1. Login to Brightspace with your Buffalo State username and password.
  2. In the My Courses widget, access the course that you want to populate (you will be importing the content into this shell).
  3. Click the Gear icon in the upper right corner, next to your name.
    gear icon
  4. Select Import/Export/Copy Components.
    import copy components
  5. Click the “Search for offering” button.
    search for offering
  6. Click the Search button to bring up a listing of all courses that you have access to in Brightspace.
  7. Select the course you would like to import and then click Add Selected.
    add selected
  8. Verify that the correct course is about to be imported into the blank shell and click Select Components
    select components
  9. Choose the specific components you want to copy.
  10. Click Continue.
  11. You will see indication that the copy is in progress.
  12. When the indicator changes to “Copy Completed” you can click the View Content button to verify that the content copied properly.