Schedule Appointments with Students

Instructors and advisers are able to schedule appointments with students using the Bengal Success Portal.

  1. Login to the Bengal Success Portal.
  2. Click on the menu.
    starfish menu
  3. Click on Students.
  4. Locate the student you want to schedule an appointment with.
  5. Click on the student’s name to show their profile.
  6. Click on Appointment.
    Appointment icon within the student profile
  7. Enter the appointment date, time, location, reason, and course (if applicable). Choose whether or not this appointment can be shared or viewable by others with appropriate roles.
     Note that viewing privileges for the appointment will depend on the appointment type.
  8. Click on the Outcomes tab to add information you want to note before the appointment. You are also able to edit Appointment Outcomes to record information after the appointment occurs.
  9. Click Submit to schedule the appointment.
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